Dear families,
God has given them the marvelous gift of collaborating in the transmission of life to each of his children, a beautiful treasure that they carry in fragile hands and a great responsibility to form their heart, sensitivity, intelligence, will, etc. over the years. The Cumbres International School San Javier wishes to collaborate with you in this mission that transcends us and that commits us to dedicate ourselves day by day to ensure that each one finds the fullness of their vocation and the integral development of the gifts received to put them at the service of the society.
The processes of renovation and updating of the educational, pedagogical, curricular and organizational models allow us to provide them with a comprehensive training of excellence so that their children acquire the necessary skills to insert themselves in a global and dynamic world. In all these processes, we have put the student at the center so that he himself is the protagonist of his training so that, with the accompaniment of his trainers and the use of avant-garde pedagogical tools, he acquires integral training aspiring to the ideal of “Semper Altius ”: Always higher.