Values. Elevate the mind and heart
We promote a solid spiritual formation, through which our students feel the joy of knowing Jesus and Mary. This knowledge and closeness to God helps them to realize what is really important in life, they become aware of the reality of the current world and develop a sense of transcendence in helping others.
We have the support of priests, consecrated men and women to guide and contribute to the spiritual formation and values of each of our students and their families.
Knowledge and skills are worth little if they are not supported by the discovery of values and education in virtues. For this reason, in our school activities are carried out that help children to know, value, live and communicate the virtues in a habitual, firm and committed way, according to their age and level of development.
We seek to motivate them with examples of actions so that they live the virtues constantly inside and outside the school, making them part of their lives.
As an important part of human training, we seek to sensitize students to the importance of helping those in need. Our system offers activities to help others according to different ages; with this we seek to complement their human-spiritual formation.
Students are trained in respect, charity, equality, generosity, nobility, humility and justice, in order to promote true happiness that is born of love and help to others.