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Sport is one of the areas of comprehensive training. When our students are young, it helps them develop psychomotor, affective, social and intellectual aspects. They learn to work as a team, to be disciplined, to win and sometimes to lose as well.


Later, sport becomes an opportunity to build will and character, to fight for victory, and to make real friendships by creating a sense of belonging to the school.


During the school year, students participate in intercollegiate tournaments in different disciplines. The Friendship Tournament is the most important sporting event in the Semper Altius Schools Network.

Dardos en diana en la pared

Formar personas íntegras a través del deporte, trabajando en conjunto con sus familias siguiendo nuestros principios del humanismo cristiano.

Diario de bala

Ser el colegio modelo dentro de la red de colegios Semper Altius y del estado de Jalisco, que a través del deporte nuestros alumnos y la sociedad logre un estilo de vida saludable.

Las mujeres que sostienen

Gratitud, responsabilidad, respeto, disciplina, trabajo en equipo, liderazgo, perseverancia, superación.

Uniformes Deportivos

Captura de Pantalla 2021-07-13 a la(s) 19.33.29.png
Niños durante una práctica deportiva

Objectives of Sports Academies

Enter to see more information about the objectives we seek in each discipline.


Physical Education Goals

Enter to see more information about the objectives we seek within the subject of Physical Education.

Calendario japonés


Check the schedules of the different extracurricular sports academies that we have for you.

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Download here the forms for the SGMM accident claim process.

mujer que pulsa

SITE Sports

Visit our site to learn more about the roles, results and more information of our sports coordination.


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